* 17 Seconds #19

Are You Going To File Patents And Trademarks In Europe?

17 Seconds

That’s what Clocktower Law is going to ask from now on when foreign filing deadlines are approaching. Rather than asking generally about filing foreign patents and trademarks, we’re going to ask specifically about filing in Europe.

We believe that it is easier for people to generalize from the specific rather than specify from the general. For example, we have told the story of an invention that allows cans of pet food to be resealed. From this specific example, you can easily think of other uses for this invention. (I read this example in some book but don’t recall which one.)

Similarly, if we ask you about filing in Europe, then you will probably think of other places you might want to file. Here are some stats to help you decide.

For patents:

  • 12% of our patent clients file foreign patents.
  • 96% of those foreign patents are filed in six “countries” (Europe, Japan, India, Canada, Australia, China).

For trademarks:

  • 12% of our trademark clients file foreign trademarks.
  • 74% of those foreign trademarks are filed in six “countries” (Europe, Canada, Australia, China, Japan, India).

Of course, “foreign” depends on your perspective, and we often refer to “US” patents and trademarks vs. “non-US” patents and trademarks. Because everyone is a foreigner to the majority of the world’s residents. Can’t we all just get along?