* Clock Tower Law Group Turns 10, Wants Flying Cars

Or a pony.


Although the marketing launch of our law firm coincided with 9/11, http://www.erikjheels.com/234, today is the actual 10-year anniversary of Clock Tower Law Group. As we enter our second decade, I want to say thank you for your friendship, your business, and your referrals. But don’t send flowers. Instead, please re-read this recent article and pass it along to other smart people in your network (including BOD members and investors):

* Top 10 Things Smart Companies Should Know About Intellectual Property

Over the past decade, the single biggest mistake that I’ve seen companies make is launching a company, product, or service (including upgrades and improvements thereto) without first protecting the associated intellectual property. You should:

  1. File patents before launching to protect US and foreign patent rights.
  2. File patents within a year of launch (offer/sale/publication/use) to preserve US-only rights.
  3. File intent-to-use trademarks when you’ve chosen a name.
  4. File trademarks in the countries where you make money.
  5. Register typo domain names before cybersquatters do.

Re the last bullet, ICANN approved the controversial dot-xxx Top-Level Domain (TLD) on 03/18/11. Do you think that Google wants another entity to own Google.xxx? Trademark owners will have a chance to protect their brands during a “sunrise” period (likely this summer) before registration opens to all in the “landrush” period (likely this fall). So register your trademarks now to protect your brands!

And happy first (full) day of spring!


Clock Tower Law Group [trademarks | domain names | patents]
2 Clock Tower Place, Suite 255, Maynard, MA 01754-2545
newsletter: http://www.lawlawlaw.com [subscribe]
website: https://www.clocktowerlaw.com
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“The person who says ‘it cannot be done’ should not interrupt the person doing it.” – Chinese Proverb

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